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Do you have a dream of building your own home or extending your existing property? Our team at SY Design Studio can help you navigate the sometimes confusing and complex world of Planning Permission and Permitted Development. Permitted Development rights allow you to build certain types of home extension or alteration without the need for planning permission. We are experts in helping clients understand how to utilize permitted development to achieve their desired outcome. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your next project.

House Extension's

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Single Storey Side Extension

 – max of 50% width of original house
– max height of 4m and not higher than the ridge-line of the house
– max eaves height of 3m if within 2m of a boundary and not higher than the eaves of the house
– up to 50% of the original space around the house including any existing outbuildings or sheds etc.
– not on article 2(3) land – conservation area, AONB, Broads etc.
– materials of a similar appearance to existing house
– not on a side elevation that fronts a highway
– no verandah, balcony or raised platform


Single Storey Rear Extension 

– up to 3m depth for a terrace or semi-detached house
– up to 4m depth for a detached house
– max height of 4m and not higher than the ridge-line of the house
– max eaves height of 3m if within 2m of a boundary and not higher than the eaves of the house
– up to 50% of the original space around the house including any existing outbuildings or sheds etc.
– no cladding on article 2(3) land – conservation area, AONB, Broads etc,
– materials of a similar appearance to existing house
– must not extend beyond a side elevation that fronts a highway or the principal elevation of the original dwelling house
– no verandah, balcony or raised platform

Larger Single Storey Rear Extension (Prior Approval)

– between 3m and 6m for a terrace or semi-detached house
– between 4m and 8m for a detached house
– max height of 4m and not higher than the ridge-line of the house
– max eaves height of 3m if within 2m of a boundary and not higher than the eaves of the house
– up to 50% of the original space around the house including any existing outbuildings or sheds etc.
– not on article 2(3) land – conservation area, AONB, Broads or a site of special scientific interest
– materials of a similar appearance to existing house
– must not extend beyond a side elevation that fronts a highway or the principal elevation of the original dwelling house
– no verandah, balcony or raised platform

Double Storey Rear Extension 

– up to 3m depth on a detached, terrace or semi-detached house
– max eaves height of 3m if within 2m of a boundary and not higher than the eaves of the house
– not higher than the ridge line of the house
– not higher than the eaves of the house
– must be more than 7m to the rear boundary
– up to 50% of the original space around the original dwelling house including any existing outbuildings or sheds etc.
– not on article 2(3) land – conservation area, AONB, Broads etc.
– materials of a similar appearance to existing house
– upper floor side-windows obscure glass and non-opening
– pitch of roof same as original house
– must not extend beyond a side elevation that fronts a highway or the principal elevation of the original dwelling house
– no verandah, balcony or raised platform

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Loft Conversion

  • A volume allowance of 40 cubic metres additional roof space for terraced houses

  • A volume allowance of 50 cubic metres additional roof space for detached and semi-detached houses

  • No extension beyond the plane of the existing roof slope of the principal elevation that fronts the highway

  • No extension to be higher than the highest part of the roof

  • Materials to be similar in appearance to the existing house

  • No verandas, balconies or raised platforms

  • Side-facing windows to be obscure-glazed; any opening to be 1.7m above the floor

  • Roof extensions not on article 2(3) land – conservation area, AONB, Broads

  • Roof extensions, apart from hip to gable ones, to be set back, as far as practicable, at least 20cm from the original eaves

  • The roof enlargement cannot overhang the outer face of the wall of the original house.

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